LIFE Groups


Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service | Monday - 6:30 PM Crosswalk youth & K.I.G.S.

Life groups are starting up!

LIFE Groups have started meeting in each other's homes. Studying God's word and doing life with others in our church further develops us into the one Body Christ intended us to be. It's a safe place to work on our own personal life issues and be there to support others on theirs. It also fosters self-reflection through fellowship and community. 

This Fall, LIFE Groups will be following and discussing the 40 days of Prayer study by Rick Warren. The meetings are in 5 different homes on Tues and Wed nights and Thurs afternoons. To join a group talk to the Jeff and Ellie Hale, James and Janet Arredondo, Larry and Sharon Bradley, Robert and Emily Schultz, or Robert and Diane Valenzuela.