Speak Life


Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service | Monday - 6:30 PM Crosswalk youth & K.I.G.S.

The latest at Grace Christian Church

Stay up to date with the happenings of Grace Christian Church. Here you'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our pastors and other church leaders to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

Timing is Everything

by: Janet Arredondo



Samuel Anoints David

16 The LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him asking over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”

2  But Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.”

The LORD said, “Take a heifer with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the LORD.’  3  Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you wha

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Drawing Near

by: Emily Schultz



When I was young, my dad would hum a tune while he carried me in his arms. I would lay my head on his chest as he sang, and the resonating sound I heard, with my ear close to his heart, was one of the most comforting sounds I remember during my childhood. I can still hear it in my mind, and the memory of those moments always reminds me of my father’s love.

As a young mother, I also sang to my son while his head rested on my heart. It was my way of comforting my child, expre

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by: Pastor Rob Bernhardi



I would like to start off with the fact that PRAYER is rarely approached with the understanding of who we are conversing with. When we are praying to God we are talking with the best of the best, the biggest of the biggest, the one who doesn’t have to watch His back for any reason. God is the most powerful being ever. He sets aside His attention to focus on us as we speak.

When queen Esther was encouraged to approach king Ahasuerus concerning the salvation of her people, th

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Welcome To The New Grace Christian Church Website

by: Rob Bernhardi



We are so excited to present our newly designed website. As you can see, it has a fresh new look and easy navigation to help you get the information you need quickly and efficiently. Many thanks to the ChurchSpring team for helping us launch such a beautiful new church website. To God be the glory!

Grace Christian Church's mission is to meet people at the crossroads of life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help one another along the journey of spiritual growth. Plea

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